Permanent solution for tooth loss
Dental implants represent a common procedure of permanently replacing missing teeth without affecting neighboring teeth.
With the help of dental implants, we can fully remedy toothlessness and thus strongly improve chewing and speaking abilities as well as restore a beautiful smile. Implants can also serve as carriers of a fixed dental bridge or denture.

Permanent solution
Improved chewing and speaking
Natural function and look
Improved facial appearance
Prevention of bone loss
No special care required
Very sturdy and secure
No diet restrictions
Can be changed or updated
Implant placement (1piece) + A-PRF
450 EUR
Implant placement (1piece) + A-PRF +0.5-1.0gr bone graft
600 EUR
(every next implant in this visit costs 450 EUR)
Dental implant uncover (1piece) and healing cap placing
40 EUR
Implant loading with abutment and PFM(porcelain fused to metal crown)
380 EUR
Implant loading with abutment and zirconia/e-max crown
500 EUR
Sinus ligting + 2-3gr. bone graft + A-PRF
1300 EUR
Bone grafting in lower or upper jaw + 2-3gr bone graft + A-PRF
750 EUR
350 EUR
1 pc.
ZrO2 crowns
400 EUR
1 pc.
For the aestethic cases planning we need a panoramic x ray and few detailed photos of the teeth, both sides and in bite.
What exactly are dental implants?
Implants are titanium screws that are inserted into the jawbone under anesthesia to replace the roots of a missing tooth or teeth. Depending on many factors, dental crowns can be placed on implants at different times.
How long does it take to put on and treat?
In most cases, the period required from the placement of the implant to its loading with the crown is in the order of 4 months. Often, in practice, an implant can be inserted in place of a newly extracted tooth and a polymeric crown is immediately inserted, which is temporary and will be replaced with a permanent one in a few months. In these cases, a bone replacement is also used to restore missing bone volume in or around the implant (s).