Zirconium crowns
Zirconium porcelain is a biological material that gives aesthetic appearance to dental structures, bringing them as close as possible to natural teeth.
We can enhance your smile and well-being by incorporating a rare zirconium compound with the ZrO2 chemical formula that guarantees durability.

Natural appearance
Personalization to your teeth and smile.Without pain
The procedure does not cause any pain.Resistant to staining and darkening
No darkening over the years.Durable and reliable
Last for decadesA SMILE TO YOUR FAVOR
They are used in high level of coloring where no results could be achieved with methods like whitening for aesthetic purposes, in the treatment of hereditary structure coloring, in treatment of teeth that are separated or a little overlapping such as diastema where orthodontic treatment is not preferred, in the restoration of teeth, the color and structure of which are disturbed, having old filling and loss of substances in the extreme, as bridge-work or veneer at the back teeth, at the prothesis on implant at front teeth, and in designing smiling aesthetics.
Consultation and review
Includes a program for future procedures.
Zirconium Crown 1 pc.
350 EUR
For the aestethic cases planning we need a panoramic x ray and few detailed photos of the teeth, both sides and in bite.
How long is the treatment?
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Long lasting solution
Natural function and appearance
Healthy and safe
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